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5 Tips to Keep Your Performance Resolutions
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Effective Date: Jan 31, 2022
For many, a New Year marks the start of a new fitness routine. But with our busy lives, competing priorities and other factors that can get in the way, those fitness routines can quickly fizzle out before January is over. We rounded up our top 5 tips for sticking to those performance resolutions. Although we’re focusing on New Year’s resolutions, these tips can be leveraged any time you’re embarking on a new fitness journey.
1. Choose an exercise that you enjoy
When embarking on a new exercise routine, the biggest secret to success is taking part in exercise that you like to do! It may seem obvious but participating in an enjoyable form of exercise leaves you significantly more likely to continue with it, and even look forward to it. The last thing you want is to sign up for something that feels like a chore.
2. Create a plan
Before you start with your new routine, structure yourself a plan that is both realistic and convenient. Scheduling time in your day that is dedicated to exercise makes you more likely to stick to it. Whether exercising on your own at home, with others, or at the gym, scheduling time will mean you’re more likely to do it.
Going from newbie to marathon runner is extremely daunting and unrealistic, so set a goal that is safe, manageable, and achievable for your best chance of success.
3. Hold yourself accountable
Exercising with a friend or family member can help to keep you accountable to your plans. Being able to encourage each other can keep the determination. Better yet, it doubles up as social time! If exercising alone, finding a community (in person or online) of those who enjoy similar activities can help to give a motivational boost. Depending on your activity and your own goals, tracking your progress (whether that’s weight lifted, run distance or time, or points scored) can also help. You’ll physically see the improvements over time, increasing your desire to continue.
4. Take it easy
Think of your resolution as a lifelong commitment to your health rather than a short-term habit. You are much more likely to be successful and maintain your routine if you take it easy at the beginning and build around your current fitness abilities. Just because someone else trains six days a week doesn’t mean that’s optimal – start slow, keep it light and enjoyable, then work your way up.
5. Be realistic
New Year’s resolutions are notoriously impractical and unachievable. Setting goals and targets can help to give you something to work towards, but make sure they suit you, your abilities, and your lifestyle.
Top 6 Air Purification Qualities To Consider
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Effective Date: Jan 19, 2022
The average person spends 90% of their time indoors, which makes clean air crucial to the safety, health, and wellness of your employees, residents, and visitors. To provide the reassurance that people need to feel safe indoors, air must be continually treated to remove pathogens and other contaminants.
Portable, free-standing air purifiers provide a flexible, cost effective way to help protect the health of people in your spaces. Here are 6 key features that deserve your attention when selecting a purifier that’s right for your business.
1. Medical-grade filtration and sanitation technology
Consider devices that offer real-time protection from airborne pathogens and contaminants, such as those that use high-efficiency particulate air filters
(HEPA) or UV-C technology to deactivate pathogens.
Sanitation technology should deactivate or remove:
• Dust
• Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
• Allergens
• Bacteria, viruses, and other germs
• Fungi and mold
2. Expertly serviced solutions
Air purifiers serviced by trained experts ensure that harmful pathogens aren’t spread through your environment with proper filter cleaning, replacement, and disposal.
Poor filter maintenance can cause:
• Skin and throat irritation
• Dry eyes and fatigue
• Headaches and even Legionnaires’ disease
3. High-performance clear air delivery rate (CADR)
The CADR is a performance metric measuring how fast a machine cleans the air of a particular size of room. The efficiency of a unit will depend on location’s size.
4. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) displays
IAQ monitors with clear, real-time displays show staff and customers that the business considers their safety and well-being a priority, continuously monitoring their indoor air.
5. Cost-effectiveness
DID YOU KNOW? A serviced air purifier rental contract can cost as little as a cup of cappuccino per day? Leasing air filtration systems makes fiscal sense, and offers added benefits at a fraction of the cost of purchasing. Get peace of mind with ongoing maintenance, cleaning, filter replacement, and disinfection.
6. Sound and Decibels
To avoid noise disruptions, it’s important to identify air purification units that produce under 49 decibels.
By comparison, a household refrigerator registers at 55 decibels.
About Ambius
Ambius is the global leader in smarter, healthier spaces, with over 50 years’ experience in 17 countries around the world. Ambius helps organizations create smarter, healthier spaces so that they’re better for your staff, customers, and visitors. Their solutions are specifically designed by experts to help mitigate risk of liability, reduce sick days, save money and increase productivity while offering reassurance and peace of mind to staff and customers that their health, well-being, and safety are protected.
Turning Performance Reviews from Dreadful to Delightful
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Effective Date: Dec 15, 2021
The dreaded performance review.
Employees fear what they are going to hear;
Managers dread what needs to be said!
The fact that you are even reading this message at all, is amazing! So, since you are here, let us reward you with a welcome to a new world of performance reviews – a world of joy and happiness for all who are prepared to go down this path!
Okay, so maybe a little over the top, but at the very least, we know we can make this review process a positive experience for most people, and manageable for the rest.
So why is this process such a chore for everyone? When we ask leaders “How many of your people are doing what they are supposed to be doing?” we invariably hear numbers such as 80%, 90% or even 95% of their people are doing a good job. It doesn’t seem right, that if we are satisfied with what the majority of our people are doing, there is such dread and anguish over the process among both managers and employees.
We hear managers typically complain about such things as the:
1. Time it takes to prepare an employee review;
2. Struggle to fully cover all that needs to be said;
3. Angst of delivering messages of sub-standard performance to challenging people.
On the other hand, employee comments include, the:
1. Feedback is too negative;
2. Manager doesn’t appreciate what I do;
3. Process is a waste of time, as nothing really changes.
There are two primary elements in the performance appraisal process, and by incorporating a few simple steps in each, the review process can be turned into one of delight for most leaders and those they lead. For a few, it may not be the highlight of their day, but we can at least minimize the pain and maximize the potential for gain.
Key Element #1 – The Format of the Program
When performance reviews are scheduled annually, the stakes are high. Meeting for reviews four times per year instead means you can focus on more immediate results, and review progress based on more recent feedback. In other words, the expectations for change are lessened, resulting in more palatable bite-sized chinks, which in turn, reduces the pressure of seeing major results.
If at all possible, select a location where you will both feel comfortable – and that is clearly NOT in your office. For example, meeting in a conference room, or if the weather is good, even going outside, provides more neutral and less threatening environments.
Provide the person with the same performance review questions/ format you will be using, and let them know you are looking forward to hearing how they are doing.
Yes, we said 4 times per year…but for 15-20 minutes per meeting! Keep them short and to the point. This means prep time for both of you is reduced, and the process will result in more succinct and actionable outcomes.
Key Element #2 – The Focus of the Meeting
Clarify the Steps:
Start the session by quickly outlining the steps, and finish by saying, “Is that OK?” Then, follow the steps - and here they are.
You First:
Invite and encourage the other person to share how they see themselves. Listen. Don’t interrupt, and only speak to seek clarification if there is anything you don’t understand.
Let Me Share:
After you have listened to them, share your perceptions, and relate your comments to what they have communicated. This shows you have heard and valued their input.
Your Primary Focus:
This is the BIG one! There are two foci in performance reviews that have become “normal,” and are typically ineffective, or at best, result in marginal improvements –
1. Sandwiching the message (positive reinforcement, then criticism, and finally positive reinforcement). This rarely works, in that people are typically not inspired to improve, but rather focus only on the criticism - which is seen as demoralizing (Don’t they think I do anything right around here?”)
2. Focusing improvement primarily on the “challenging” performance area! (Yes, you read that correctly – this is seldom as effective as you hope it will be).
The primary focus of the performance review should be on what the person is doing well – not on their limitations. People do well at what they enjoy doing. They will never be stars at the parts of the job they don’t like - so don’t expect such outcomes. By focusing on the person’s strengths, you are demonstrating that you recognize what they are doing well, and that you value their contributions. When you build people up, they feel appreciated, and are more likely to excel (and soar with their strengths).
When people are allowed to soar with their strengths, they become more committed to excelling, and in the process, they don’t want to let others down. The result is they get even better at what they like to do, and raise their level of performance to an acceptable level in the other parts of their jobs. Why? Because when they know they are valued they are more likely to be committed to their overall performance.
If you are stuck with a rating system (e.g…on a scale of…) don’t let the static number speak for itself. Combine this with what you hear in response to your questions.
The following are some great questions for the interview, which are designed to stimulate this focus on the positive (all of which should be included on the performance review form you have shared with the person in advance). Consider using a two-phased process for these meetings: a first meeting format, and a modified format for subsequent meetings.
First Meeting:
1. What do you see as your personal strengths in your role as a __________ , or in terms of your personal attributes? (allows the person to reflect and share attributes that may have been hidden or underutilized).
2. What could we do to provide you more opportunities to utilize your strengths and interests? (demonstrates your commitment to help this person “soar with their strengths.”)
3. What do you see as the most challenging aspects of your job – the things you enjoy the least?
4. Okay, let’s “park” these challenges. I trust that you will pay attention to working at them.
For this next review period, let’s focus on your strengths, the things you like to do most, and develop a plan based on these. What are some actions or steps you would like to take, building on them?
5. Great plan! Let’s confirm our next meeting – how does ________ work for you?
Subsequent Meetings:
1. What have you done since our last meeting that you are proud of? (The question links this meeting to the last one – a demonstration of continuity, and give you an opportunity to share what you value based on what they have accomplished.)
2. How are you feeling about your challenge areas? Follow this with a comment such as, “Okay, I will leave those with you, and know that you will work on improving in those areas.”
3. What could we do to provide you more opportunities to build on your successes, and utilize your strengths? (demonstrates your commitment to help this person “soar with their strengths.”)
4. Great plan! Let’s confirm our next meeting – how does ________ work for you?
But What About the “Challenging” People?
Right now you are probably thinking,” This may be great for the great, but what about those who “grate” me, and everyone else?”
The reality is that this process can work for everyone. With those challenging folks, the tone and mood may very well be tempered and cool to start. It is essential that you stay true to the process of finding value in the person, even if you have to dig a little deeper, and recognize strengths that may not be as strong as others, but are this person’s strengths.
Our experience in working with such people is that they do have strengths, but they are often hidden behind a wall of defiance. All too often this defiance is the result of perceived (and sometimes legitimate) wrongs that they feel have been inflicted by the system or someone in the organization. After years of such defiance, your acknowledgement of the value of this person may very well be a welcome gust of fresh air for this person. Don’t give up – you are there to grow your people, not get them!
In Summary
A performance appraisal meeting is an ideal opportunity to “A-PRAISE-ALL,” and by focusing on strengths, people are more likely to soar!
So, whether you find the performance review process grueling, or even okay, making a conscious effort to turn it into an opportunity for joy and celebration can elevate this function into a highlight for most people in the organization – including you, the leader, and for those you are helping to grow.
About the Author
Ron Martyn is the Co-Owner of Silver Meridian. For over 20 years, Silver Meridian has helped LTC managers hone their leadership skills, by empowering and energizing people, and becoming recognized as Inspired Leaders in the provision of care (English only). Go to Silver Meridian ( for more details. For information on the new Winter intake for the, Online DOC/ADOC Leadership Certificate Program (Accredited), click the following link:
Best Practices to Help Improve Short-Term Challenges from Supply Chain Delays
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Effective Date: Dec 1, 2021
Many operators may be experiencing delivery issues with Broadline Distributors due to continued labour shortages, now exacerbated by the COVID-19 Delta variant. There is little that employers can do about unpredictable absenteeism or to create workarounds when it happens. Unfortunately, as a result, some distributor deliveries continue to miss regular delivery windows or are being pushed to the following day.
In addition to labour shortages, manufacturer product shortages continue to be a challenge. Fill rates into distribution are at historically low levels, which creates the need to substitute, or if there are outages, creates the need to buy from other distributors.
While you face these unprecedented challenges, here are some recommended best practices to help improve the short-term situation for both your business and your trusted distributors:
1. If you are a member of Complete Purchasing Services, login to the portal regularly ( > Program Updates & Alerts section) and read your monthly UPDATES newsletter for Supply Chain updates, information on product shortages and availability and price fluctuations.
Not yet a member of Complete Purchasing Services? Click on Contact Us > Interested in becoming a Member to get with the program!
2. Communicate your forecasted demand, especially for busy upcoming weeks and holidays, to your distributor account representatives or hospitality suppliers as early as possible so they can assist in planning. Discuss lead times required on key items that may impact your menu offering or client demands.
3. Order early, ideally before 10 am on the day prior to your scheduled delivery day. Placing orders early will reduce the likelihood of service delays. Be prepared for the possibility that your distributor may implement other measures to help ensure the highest possible level of service. This may include earlier cut-off times or other restrictions, like requesting smaller orders than usual or changing delivery days.
4. Manage inventory within your location. Avoid having critical items delivered for next day events; instead, try to order 3-4 days ahead of time. If possible, keep 2-4 days of additional inventory on your shelves in anticipation of any service disruptions.
5. Balance your orders: A light order (50 cases) on Tuesday and a heavy order (150 cases) on Friday create load challenges. Try to keep your order volume consistent.
6. Consider changing your delivery day or time to a window that will result in higher on-time service (consult with your distributor representative on options, including key/night drops) and do your best to refrain from off-day deliveries to ensure higher service levels.
7. Consider placing multiple (2-3) orders instead of one large monthly housekeeping and chemical ‘replenishment’ order to reduce one-time large deliveries that strain operations.
8. Know your delivery schedule – order for deliveries to be made on your routed day. Off-day deliveries present a challenge by interrupting the planned scheduled route. If your order is delayed, your master food distributor will notify you as soon as possible and will attempt to re-route the delivery for the next day.
9. For the upcoming holidays, make sure to place your large orders early in the week prior to the start of any planned events.
Make sure to continuously watch for communications on from your broadline distributors as well as updates on to stay ahead of potential delays and disruptions. We are closely monitoring distributor fill rates in an effort to help mitigate any potential impact to your operations.
Stealth Health: Improving Your Product Offerings…One Secret at A Time!
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Effective Date: Nov 17, 2021
Stealth Health: Improving Your Product Offerings…One Secret at A Time!
It may be hard to believe, but, Canadian manufacturers have been making changes to their products for the last 10 years with the goal of improving the health and well-being of Canadians…and not saying a word about it!
The concept is called “stealth health.” It was coined by a scientist at Yale University (Dr. David Katz) who had the idea of creating healthier habits for daily living. Stealth health can be defined as: making changes to ingredients or recipes to improve the nutritional attributes of a food or product without promoting or advertising the added benefits.
Stealth health can take many forms, such as:
• Improving nutrient density (e.g. adding healthy multi-grain flours and oats).
• Including ingredients with added health benefits (e.g. the explosion of cranberries and almonds in many snack bars).
• Reducing or eliminating unhealthy ingredients (e.g. lower in sodium or reduced fat snacks).
• Cleaning up the ingredient deck so that consumers know what is in the product and can name every ingredient without researching it.
With all this potential good news, why would manufacturers not want to promote the added health benefits? It is for the simple reason to protect the brand and the perception of the customer. Consumers may not want their favourite brands to change, so the last thing manufacturers want to do is alienate existing customers by forcing health claims or the perception that a product will not taste as good anymore. The formula changes to recipes must be carefully executed and often can happen gradually over time. Let’s reflect on one of the best executions of stealth health: the Oreo® cookie’s evolution to a healthier option.
In the early 2000’s a lot of attention was being paid to the risks of Trans fats and the high level of hydrogenated oils used particularly in the baking and snack industry. At the time, Nabisco made an announcement they would work towards removing these unhealthy oils from all of their products, and they went to work. By 2006 their famous Oreo® cookie contained no Trans fats, however there was an absence of a large marketing campaign to highlight this; the packaging ingredients were updated but you never saw a “no Trans fat” tag on the package, and customers never tasted the difference. Extensive product development and work went into formulation changes to ensure customers wouldn’t see any noticeable difference in the Oreo® cookie. The result…higher sales! Legacy customers stayed with the product, and consumers paying attention to Trans fats could see from the ingredient deck that the cookie did not contain any; therefore, incremental sales were achieved.
Some manufacturers have chosen to go all out to promote the perceived added health benefits, for example potato chips are being marketed as cholesterol free (surprise, they always were!) were not because of improved formulations, the interest in consumers for healthier snacks drove interest in promoting the product as a possible healthier snack item.
What does this mean for you? Providing choice and balance in your product offerings. Pay attention to the top sellers while also ensuring that at least 10% of what you offer caters to the health-conscious customer group who want to indulge without feeling guilty about it.
Looking for other Stealth Health products for your cafe bar or micro-market operation? Let Complete Purchasing Services (CPS) help you to find the perfect mix of products for your residents. Take advantage of CPS’ “Best Value” pricing on hundreds of essential items and assistance from a dedicated locally-based Account Manager, in addition to a wealth of easy-to-use tools and helpful resources to help you run your operations more efficiently and effectively.
About the Author:
Brian Emmerton is a Registered Dietitian and the Vice President and General Manager of Complete Purchasing Services Inc, a leading supply chain solutions provider for non-commercial clients and hospitality organizations across Canada. Brian has been working in foodservice and consumer affairs for over 30 years to help clients source food and nutrition options that deliver experiences that enrich and nourish lives.
A No-Cost, All Encompassing Approach to Motivating Your People
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Effective Date: Nov 3, 2021
In the face of the pandemic, thousands of long-term care employees have demonstrated an unprecedented level of care and commitment to their residents, their families and to each other. This shared common enemy served as a powerful focal point for people at all levels in organizations to come together to fight, at times to grieve, and in the end, to celebrate shared wins.
For the most part, employee motivation was not an issue. The severity of the pandemic (the potential loss of life and livelihood) provided all the motivation people needed to stay focused, to get the job done right, and well.
For leaders, two important lessons must be gleaned from this experience:
1) Your people CARE!
2) Your people HAVE motivation!
Moving Into The Post-Covid-19 Period
So now what? As the severity of the pandemic is reduced, what is happening to the motivation levels of your employees? With the neutralizing or corralling of the common enemy, you may experience a drop in employee morale to pre-pandemic levels, or even see them plumet further. Exhaustion, and dealing with ongoing controls and expanded work demands, may undermine peoples’ motivation to push on through to the end, as the wait for the “good old days” seems indeterminable. Motivation may become a challenge for many people.
For leaders looking to shepherd their Homes into a post-pandemic period of positivity, it is more imperative than ever to focus on employee motivation. Good leaders know that their success is measured by how well their people do their jobs, and when motivation wanes, everyone suffers.
The good news is that even after all you have gone through, you can create a culture in your Home comprised of highly motivated employees - without spending all of your fiscal resources. In fact, all of the strategies shared here are no-cost approaches to promoting highly motivated staff.
This article focuses first on the two major myths regarding human motivation, and then examines a three-step process to accelerating employee motivation.
Debunking the Two BIG Motivation Myths
Myth #1
And the first big motivation myth is… $$$$. Just as the Beatles declared years ago (Can’t Buy Me Love), money will not buy motivation. Paying people more money does not result in more motivated employees demonstrating improved productivity or heightened morale.
In some jurisdictions we have seen attempts to positively impact the workplace by paying a pandemic bonus to front line nursing staff. Not only did this demoralize all other employees who were going above and beyond and received nothing extra, it did not address the core issue – the lack of staff to deal with added care responsibilities.
While these front line care staff may have felt somewhat vindicated with the added bonus, based on Silver Meridian informal research with leaders and employees, front line care staff would have appreciated more “hands on deck” to help with the work, rather than a bonus to do the impossible. And of course, since everyone was working to capacity before the bonus, increasing wages did not relieve the pressure or result in the provision of more and better care.
There is one caveat to the money and motivation issue. If people are underpaid (i.e., they are paid less than others in comparable positions of responsibility and scope), then the lack of reimbursement is usually a de-motivator, impacting productivity and morale in a negative manner (such as the non-payment of a pandemic bonus to people other than front line care staff!).
Myth #2
And for the second big myth… it is your job as a leader to motivate your people.
Balderdash! Not true! Absolute rubbish! A complete misrepresentation of your role as a leader! In fact, you have the responsibility of motivating only one person… YOU! That’s it!
Now do you feel a little more relieved? One less task on your plate!
And who is responsible for motivating your people? They are! The reality is that human motivation comes from within. Your people are just like you – they do what they do because there is something in it for them, something that they want that inspires them to be motivated. We know the expression “You can lead the horse to water, but you can’t make him drink” – unless he wants to drink. What would prompt him to drink? If he is thirsty, then he drinks.
The role of leaders is to respond to the “thirst” that resides in every person – the thirst or desire to have something, do something, be something - anything that inspires them to be motivated. People are motivated to change when they see a benefit for them. This leads to the universal truth.
Three-step Process to Fostering Employee Motivation
So now that we have these two myths out of the way, we can focus on how leaders can INSPIRE others, and thereby increase the likelihood that they will be motivated to change.
We call this approach Inspired Leadership, recognizing that truly great leaders know that to elicit change in others, they must find ways to inspire them to want to change. And by change, we are referring to any action or response that represents something different than what is currently happening. So, whether you are looking for someone to do something different as a result of a change in a procedure, changing the way an individual deals with others (or with you, the leader), or any other form of change, the key is to inspire the other(s) to want to change because they see a benefit for them.
So here are the three steps to fostering employee motivation:
1) Step One: Look Inside You
2) Step Two: Monitor What You Do
3) Step Thee: Respond to What They Do
The first two steps are about what you need to reflect on within yourself, in order to become a leader who inspires others to be motivated. The third step focuses on specific actions you can take with others – actions that connect how you project yourself, to what people see as benefits that inspire them to be motivated.
Step One: Look Inside You
During stressful and uncertain times such as we are experiencing, and continue to experience, it’s normal to feel anxious, frustrated, overwhelmed, and even scared. Chances are, most people around you have been experiencing similar emotional responses. Ignoring such feelings can result in seemingly unrelated sporadic outbursts (one of those “where did that come from?” reactions), and at the very least, subtle telling signs of frustration or fear (involuntary physical responses, such as sighs, eye rolling and look-aways).
When experiencing such stress, it’s easy to infect each other with anxiety and fear. As a leader, it is imperative that you not only confront such feelings, but take the lead, and consciously commit to countering them with more positive responses within yourself.
The first step to countering such feelings, so you will act in ways that inspire others, is to look inside yourself, and search for what is most important to you. By focusing on your positive hopes and aspirations, it allows you to reframe your thoughts and perceptions of what is going on around you.
Here are some fundamental questions to reflect on in this personal internal journey (we will explain the numbers shortly!):
• What do I most value? (3)
• What inspires me, gets me excited; what do I want to do more of? (2)
• What turns me off? (3)
• How do I want to be seen as a leader? (1)
• Where do I want to be in my life within the next 3-5 years? (2)
Your responses to such questions will point you to what inspires and motivates you.
From this reflection point, take a few minutes to relate your responses to the following:
your Home’s (1) Mission; (2) Vision; and (3) Values. Using the numbers (1, 2, & 3), match your responses to your Home’s corresponding Mission, Vision or Value number. While your personal Mission, Vision and Values may not be identical to that of your Home, you are looking for congruence. As long as they are not in opposition to each other, then you know you are personally working in the right place.
Taking this deep dive into your own personal points of inspiration, to see what motivates you, is essential. Before you can take Step Two in this motivational process, you really do have to examine what is most important to you.
Step Two: Monitor What You Do
While Step One helped you focus on what inspires you, Step Two is about paying attention to these personal points of inspiration!
We are reminded of the story (attributed to the Cherokee) of the talk between an elder and a young child. The Cherokee elder told his grandson about the battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between the two ‘wolves’ that live inside us all. One is Unhappiness. It is fear, worry, anger, jealousy, sorrow, self-pity, resentment, and inferiority. The other is Happiness. It is joy, love, hope, serenity, kindness, generosity, truth, and compassion.” When the child asked “Which one wins?”, the elder responded, “The one you feed”.
While staying in this more positive state of “happiness” is a challenge during such times of high demand and stress, we can take steps to protect ourselves from these emotional contagions by feeding the positive wolf within.
For example, monitor and reduce how often you engage in venues where fear feeds on itself, such as social media, cable news, and frenzied conversations with friends and coworkers. Verify resources, distinguishing between people who are speculating, and those who have sound information.
Also, take care of your mental health. Commit to exercising, practicing mindfulness and meditation, volunteering, and seeking out positive, high-quality connections with others — even if they’re virtual. Simple wellness practices like these will help you build resilience and positivity, which will influence how others perceive you.
Step Three: Respond to What They Do
Now that you are clearly focused on what inspires you, and are committed to feeding your inner happy, positive wolf, your actions and interactions with others will be more inspiring to those you work with and lead every day.
Keep in mind that the following strategies and approaches are not sequential and are often successfully employed through a “blend” of interactions.
Lead with Optimism: Even in dire circumstances, you can still lead with optimism, helping your team stay resilient amidst uncertainty. First, be a role model. Lip service alone won’t work. Also, keep in mind that a positive outlook is easier to adopt as a group, so help employees foster a sense of connection with each other.
This can be as simple as:
- Celebrating when a team or department hits a milestone
- Starting meetings with each person saying one thing they’re grateful for
- Review progress – Flip chart and post accomplishments from Day 1 to now
- Create an “Appreciation Wall” for everyone to post messages of encouragement
- Share and celebrate good news stories – both internal and external
As a leader, you have an opportunity to set the conditions for a collective positive outlook on your team. Take advantage of it.
MBWTA – Managing By Walking and Talking Around: Ideally, make it your mission to get out of your office and connect with people at least twice, every day. Even at the best of times it can be a challenge to get out from underneath the pile of tasks you face. But just as you abhor task-oriented care of your residents, you too need to re-frame your focus on the bigger picture of what is most important, and connect with people. Otherwise, you performing as a task-oriented manager – not a leader.
A side bonus – You are more likely to sense when something is “off” when you are circulating, and by dealing with issues in the moment, when they are minor concerns, you save time and aggravation of having to deal with it later when it comes through your door as a major issue.
Catch People…Doing Things Right (CPDTR): Yes, we know you do this now, but do you do it well, and enough? We often ask people in training sessions to put up their hand if they are tired of being told they are doing a good job. The reality is everyone loves to be recognized as a valued, respected member of the care team, and acknowledging what is valued inspires people to do it even more. The practise of praising more is one of the most impactful behaviours a leader can have to positively inspire others.
Here are four simple suggestions that make for better, more impactful, praisings:
- Praise specific behaviours – focus on what the person did or said - avoid generalizations.
- Link the praise to your Home’s values.
- Praise immediately – don’t wait for their PA session!
- Praise “routine” actions – good care in LTC is not about episodes of high drama, but rather, it is about doing the small, caring things in residents’ lives that are meaningful to them.
Ask Questions - Listen More – Talk Less: People feel inspired and motivated when they feel valued and respected for their contributions. Asking people how they are doing, or asking for suggestions, are only effective if you listen and show an interest in what they say. By asking questions, you are encouraging people to become a part of the solution, and contributing to the solution is an empowering, inspiring place for most people to be!
Boost Morale with a Thank You: Closely aligned to CPDTR, don’t underestimate the power of symbolic awards, such as private thank-you note. To maximize their effect, it’s essential to customize these rewards to each unique context. Ask yourself: Are you the best messenger, or would this expression of gratitude be more impactful coming from someone else? When is the best time to offer the message? And should it be communicated privately or publicly? Whatever you decide, your message can be short and sweet — as long as it’s thoughtful. When employees feel that it’s sincere, a symbolic gesture of recognition can go a long way.
Enter Into THEIR Homes: Take your expressions of gratitude and praise to an even higher level by sending them home – to the employee’s home. Sending a personalized note of acknowledgement, or a birthday card with a personal message, to where the employee lives is a powerful way for you to share your praise, and for the person to be seen as special by the people that mean the most to them. Handwriting the message (and the outside name and address), is the finishing touch to the personalization of your message!
Our Home’s Vison: An ideal Home Vision is not about what your Home is, but what is a realistic goal of how your Home aspires to be seen in the future. By reinforcing this Vision, by bringing it to life in your daily practice, it can serve as an inspirational rallying cry for everyone. When you incorporate your Home’s Vision into your discussion every day, you hear yourself saying things like “How will this help move us forward with our Vision to being recognized as…?”, or “Wow, that brings us one step closer to realizing our Vision of…”.
Such acknowledgements reinforce where the Home is headed, and represents an opportunity to inspire people, as they realize they are helping as you move forward together.
Help Your Team Make It Over the Finish Line: Pandemic fatigue. Mental fog. Work/life blur. Whatever you want to call it, you and your people may be going through some version of it right now.
As a leader, it is imperative that you help focus everyone on what’s important over the long term, not just what is urgent right now. That short-sightedness can set the team up for failure when the crisis is over. This ties into the focus on the Home’s Vision, noted above. The Vision helps people see beyond the immediate obstacles, and towards a longer term goal.
Make room for foolishness: While dealing with essential work responsibilities must be done, occasionally making time for fun and levity is also important. Declaring a time for some spontaneous fun and laughter, such as a “Foolish Four” minutes of making faces at each other, or sharing your most embarrassing teenager moment, can help to alleviate the strains of the day. It is helpful to declare the time (duration) up front, to encourage people to not get carried away for too long of a period. Try to make the activity a “leveler” - something that everyone can do, regardless of education or position in the Home. And perhaps most important, make sure you, the leader, take part in the foolishness!
Good leaders recognize that their role is to inspire others, such that they are motivated to excel. Motivating others to change is not something you can buy or demand as a leader. Rather, it is about what you as a leader believe, what you project, and what you do to inspire others, such that they want to change.
This is not about spending money to motivate people.
This is about being an Inspiring Leader.
About the Author
Ron Martyn is the Co-Owner of Silver Meridian. For over 20 years, Silver Meridian has helped LTC managers hone their leadership skills, by empowering and energizing people, and becoming recognized as Inspired Leaders in the provision of care (English only). Go to Silver Meridian ( for more details. For information on the new Winter intake for the, Online DOC/ADOC Leadership Certificate Program (Accredited), click the following link:
The Sweet Story on Sugar
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Effective Date: Oct 13, 2021
Much attention has been focused on health risks associated with Canadian diets for many years and after a heightened attention about sodium and salt intake, the next bandwagon coming to the forefront appears to be sugar.
Why is sugar becoming the next ‘naughty’ ingredient? The fact is that we Canadians have a love for the sweet taste and pleasure derived from both the natural (fruit sugar in fruit juices) and added sugars (found abundantly in many products to enhance the flavour) in our favourite foods. Increasing obesity rates (particularly in young children), higher incidences of diabetes and heart disease, emerging diet trends focusing on sugar elimination like Keto, and an increased attention to ingredients and food sources has raised the attention to this potential big bad category!
The question is, do we consume too much sugar? Well, many health experts will say yes, but believe it or not, there are some interesting trends that demonstrate we are actually consuming less sugar than we used to:
• The overall amount of added sugar consumption in Canada has declined in the last 20 years. Food preferences and intakes have changed, while ingredients and formularies of ingredients that contain sugar have also undergone small reductions. The proliferation of sugar substitutes has greatly increased as had variety of low-calorie products (sugar free soft drinks in particular), as consumers looks for lower calorie options with the same sweet sensation.
• Canadians consume an average 30% less sugar than our American counterparts. It is predominantly due to the lower amount of regular soft drink consumption. Is it because of fewer choices or a higher proliferation of low-calorie carbonated beverages? The answer is no. Canadians simply reach for water or unsweetened beverages more often (and remember water and sparkling water consumption continues to climb!).
In recent years, some provinces have tried to regulate consumption of sugar through health programs such as school food guidelines and standards. These regulations impacted our industries ability to offer traditional choices that were available through vending and self-serve areas. For the most part, Canada currently does not have any nutritional guidelines related to the quantify of sugar Canadians should or should not consume, however Health Canada suggests choosing foods with little or no added sugars.
So how will this impact our business going forward? Health Canada’s new nutrition labelling requirements which have been worked on for years, are scheduled to be completely implemented by December 31, 2021. In addition to sugar being a mandatory item on the nutrition label, packaging requirements will also change under this new legislation as symbols indicating a product is high in sugar will have to be identified. Stay tuned!
How do we ensure our business thrives even given these potential bumps in the road? Here are a few things to pay attention to:
• Choice & Selection. Offering residents choice and selection in all categories ensures that you are providing a variety of options without added or natural sugar; both impulse purchases and regular frequent offerings can help you demonstrate your commitment to healthy choices. Some residents may look for more natural sources of sugar (i.e. honey) as a preference. Remember to display a mix of both sweet and salty snack options in your impulse section of micro markets, feature areas, as well as in any combo packages you offer.
• Sugar Free Options: This trend is growing, we recommend that 20% of your beverage offerings are free of sugar (e.g. water, sparking water beverages such as Bubly) or low-calorie offerings. It may seem like a lot, however over your entire portfolio is it quite simple to do
• Say Tea! There is an opportunity to focus on tea as it is currently a growth category. Hot and cold tea consumption continues to climb and provides strong revenue opportunities while offering choices with health benefits (and interesting exotic flavours)
Whether your residents have a sweet or salty tooth, staying on top of trends is critical. It can help to keep your residents interested, demonstrate that your services reflect the current marketplace drivers, and provide your business with a competitive edge.
About the Author:
Brian Emmerton is a Registered Dietitian and the Vice President and General Manager of Complete Purchasing Services Inc, a leading supply chain solutions provider for non-commercial clients and hospitality organizations across Canada. Brian has worked and researched consumer behaviors for over 30 years to assist clients in following trends and practices that can drive revenue and growth opportunities.